The Lesser Known Murphy's Laws

The Birth of Murphy's Law

In the post-World War II era, Captain Edward A. Murphy found himself immersed in Air Force Project MX981. The project aimed to determine the maximum deceleration a person could endure during a crash. Little did he know this endeavor would birth a universal truth we now call Murphy's Law.

One day, while inspecting the project, Murphy noticed wiring issues created by a technician. Frustrated, he remarked, "If there is any way to do it wrong, he'll find it." A nearby project manager, keen on collecting a list of laws, overheard this statement and added it to his collection. Soon, it became the mantra for the entire project and eventually found its way into the public domain after being used in a press conference.

Read more: The Lesser Known Murphy's Laws

What Makes Us Smile? Comedy is Cultural

Ten Humorous Thoughts to Ponder

What's funny to you? I smiled at five of these. On a Monday or a Tuesday, that can be a very important thing. Go ahead. You can smile at a few, too.

Number 10

Life is sexually transmitted.

Number 9

Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Read more: What Makes Us Smile? Comedy is Cultural

Final Boarding Call: Humor for All Airline Travelers

Flying on an airplane can be one of the most fascinating and exciting things you do in your life--but it can also be your worst nightmare.  There is nothing that can turn your relaxing flight into high stress quicker than turbulence, a screaming child or stale peanuts given by not so customer friendly flight attendants. Despite these rare setbacks at the end of the day air travel is still America's favorite means of transportation. Here is some flying humor sure to keep even the most seasoned flyers in high spirits.

Airline Announcements:

1. United Flight Attendant announced, "People, people we're not picking out furniture here, find a seat and get in it!"

2. On landing, the FLIGHT ATTENDANT said, "Please be sure to take all of your belongings. If you're going to leave anything, please make sure it's something we'd like to have."


Read more: Final Boarding Call: Humor for All Airline Travelers

How To Talk Southern

As a "Yankee" transplant from upstate New York, now living south of the Mason/Dixon line, I regularly have my vocabularly expanded by native southerners.  I'm compiling a list of things learned - or relearned abut the uniquely colorful southern ways to turn a phrase.

Life in the Southern United States

I now know that...

Read more: How To Talk Southern

St. Patrick's Day Humor & Irish Sayings

holidays st patricks day










On St. Patrick's Day, everyone is Irish for the day.  So this year make sure you're full of Irish humor and sayings! Here are some of our favorites for you. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

"St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is one of Christianity’s most widely known figures. But for all of his prevalence in culture, namely the holiday held on the day of his death that bears his name, his life remains somewhat of a mystery." Learn more @ "St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is one of Christianity’s most widely known figures. But for all of his prevalence in culture—namely the holiday held on the day of his death that bears his name—his life remains somewhat of a mystery."

Enjoy -

Humor for kids:


1. What do you call a fake rock in Ireland?
      -A Sham Rock


2. When is an Irish Potato not an Irish Potato?     
When it is a FRENCH fry!


3. Why shouldn’t you iron a 4-leaf clover?

      -Because you don’t want to press your luck!


4. Why can’t you borrow money from a leprechaun?

      -Because they are always a little short.


5. What would you get if you crossed Christmas with St. Patrick’s Day?    
     -Santa O'Claus


6. Do leprechauns make good secretaries?

      -Yes, because they are great at short hand.


7. Why was the Irish river so rich?

      -Because it had 2 banks.


8. Do leprechauns get angry when you make fun of their height?

      -Only a little!


Irish Jokes:


1. An American lawyer asked, "Paddy, why is it that whenever you ask an Irishman a question, he answers with another question? "Who told you that?" asked Paddy.


2. Reilly went to trial for armed robbery. The jury foreman came out and announced, "Not guilty." "That's grand!" shouted Reilly. "Does that mean I can keep the money?"


3. Slaney phoned the maternity ward at the hospital. "Quick!" He said. "Send an ambulance, my wife is goin' to have a baby!" "Tell me, is this her first baby?" the intern asked. "No, this is her husband, Kevin, speakin'."


4. A Kerryman rang Aer Lingus and asked how long it took to fly from Dublin to London.
   "Just a minute sir," said the girl on the desk.
   "Thank you," said the Kerryman and hung up.


5. A fellow walked into a bar in Dublin and asked the barman if he had heard the latest Kerryman joke,
    "I'm warning you," said the barman, "I'm a Kerryman myself."
    "That's allright," said the fellow, "I'll tell it slowly."


6. A man hired a Kerryman as an assistant to take phone calls. One day the phone rang and when the Kerryman answered he hung up immediately.
    "Who was that?" asked his boss.
    "Some fool saying it was a long distance from New York. I told him everybody knew that."


Irish Sayings:


1. May you be afflicted with the itch and have no nails to scratch with!
    -Irish Curse

2. Here's to your roof,
    may it be well thatched
    And here's to all
    under it -
    May they be
    well matched.
    -Irish Toast

Read more: St. Patrick's Day Humor & Irish Sayings